SLUGAC 11 Detailed Conference Agenda
Parallel Sessions are depicted by “Student:” or “Alumni:” for those alumni not on the panel
Friday (28OCT)
7:30 AM ~ Breakfast ~
8:00 AM Welcoming Remarks
8:30 AM Michael O'Connor - Go with the Flow: A Hydrologist’s Meandering Path in Public Service
8:50 AM Jaleigh Pier - New Methods for Unearthing the Past: A fieldwork narrative
9:10 AM Lisa Zieman - Lost and Found-ering: the Northern Andean Volcanic Zone thermal structure and its influence on modern crustal foundering
9:30 AM Evan Koncewicz - Characterization of Fluvial Carbon Across High Arctic Headwater Streams
9:50 AM Will Moynihan - How a geology education has directly led to a career as an engineer in inkjet printing
10:20 AM ~ Break ~
10:30 AM Stephanie Dosiek - Where are all those STEM jobs we hear about? (Hint: They're not in Academia…)
10:50 AM Kelan Koncewicz - Coastal Resiliency - Climate Adaptation Planning for Provincetown's Historic District
11:10:00 AM Ron Budros - The impact of 3D seismic in the recognition of Trenton Black River Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs in Southern Michigan
11:30 AM Ned Baker - An Early Historical Review of Downtown Canton, New York
11:50 AM ~ Lunch ~
1:00 PM Use of Proceedings - Dean Eppler '74
1:15 PM Students: Panel 1: First few years as a geologist - Led by Jaleigh Pier
Alumni: Donor Relations Presentation
2:00 PM Transition To Next Panel
2:05 PM Students: Panel 2: Industry & Certification - Led by Andrew Owens
Alumni: Explore campus
2:55 PM Students: Speed Mentoring 1
Alumni: Alumni Conversations
3:40 PM Students: Panel 3 Changing your career (for students) - Led by Mark Klett and Stephanie Dosiek
4:25 PM ~ Break ~
4:30 PM Student Poster Session
5:30 PM ~ Dinner ~
7:30 PM Bloomer Lecture Mimi Katz ‘81 - International Ocean Discovery Program: Uncovering the Geologic History of Global Change
9:00 PM ~ Social ~
Saturday (29OCT)
8:30 AM ~ Breakfast~
9:00 AM Students: Panel 4 Grad School Panel - Led by Amelia Oates
Alumni: Alumni Conversations 2
9:45 AM Break/Transition To Speed Mentoring
10:00AM Speed Mentoring 2
10:45 AM ~ Break ~
11:00 AM Rick Standish - What Do I Do on Day 1? – A Perspective on a Consulting Career in the Geosciences
11:20 AM John Murphy - The Superfund Process as Applied to Department of Defense Facilities in the Central Valley, California
11:40 AM ~ Lunch ~
1:00 PM Students: Panel 5 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Led by Trish Smrecak and Krysia Kornecki
1:45 PM Transition
1:50 PM Networking Time
2:35 PM State Of Department
3:00 PM Alumni Council Meeting
4:00 PM Free Time
5:15 PM Presidents Reception (Meet At Brown At 5:05 If Need A Ride Rather Than Walk)
6:30 PM Bloomer Banquet