Missing Alumni
The department does not seem to have current contact information for the following alumni. If your name is on the list or you have information on any of the alumni listed below, please email Sherrie Kelly (Department Secretary) [skelly(at)stlawu.edu] or Sarah McElfresh '98 (webmaster) [slugeologyalumni(at)gmail.com] Please put SLU Geology Alumni Update in the subject line. Thanks!!
As of March 18, 2014
Tony Abrantes
J.Gorham Arend
Michael Armstrong
Asher Atkinson
David Baker
Timothy Barns
Richard Beaumont
Russell Beck
Peter Bell
James Besig
James Biggar Jr
James Billings
Joseph Botbol
David Bragan
William Bristow Jr
James Bronson
Erin Butler
James Byrne
Reid Callanan
James Camp
Steven Carr
Bruce Catlin
Lauren Chrapowitzky
Roy Christofferson
Peter Connet
Peter Connett
Ilene (rex) Corbo
Robert Delong
Christopher Ditomasso
Peggy Drauglis
Timothy Eckert
Margaret Ennis
Cynthia Erickson
Kathleen Erickson
Russell Evatt
Daniel Fenno
John (Bruce) Fisher
Christopher Ford
Leland Fournier
Richard Griffin
David Halloran
George Hamilton
David Hardwood
Charles Harman
Charlie Harmon
Ronald Harris
Erik Hart
Victoria Hauck
Lawrence Henchel
Joseph Hevesi
Susan Holgate
Robert Hopkins
Trent Hubbard
Douglas Jennings
Scott Kane
Frank Karboski
James Kauer
David Keffer
Jonathan King
Susan Lawton
John Leonard
Thomas Lockwood
Mary Lord
Leif Lorentzen
Kathryn Maier
Robert McCallister
Matthew McOsker
Timothy Montfort
Scott Morrison
David Mosher
Karen Murphy
Toias Myers
Amelia Oates
Margaret Oddy
James Ouderkirk
Scott Parker
Andrew Perham
John (Jack) Pigott
Thomas Porter
Rickey Rafter
Rickey Rafter
Sarah Raposa
Justin Rathman
Peter Redpath
Pamela Rees-Basey
Richard Roberts, Jr.
Erik Rodriguez
Paul Sanchirico
Eric Sandford
John Sandford
Theodore Sickley
Trisha Smrecak
Ann Smyth
Christopher Sokol
Dean Stahl
Ryan Stefiuk
Victoria Stiller
Paul Suitch
Brian Sweney
Jessica Tase
Kendall Taylor
Ralph Trumble
Kimberly Turner
Robert Vanderbeek
Ryan Vandermark
Richard Veith
Roger Voss
Kyle Warren
David Waugh
Neil Weathers
William Webster
Tim White
Elizabeth Wilkison
Timothy Woodcock
Thomas Wright
Richard Zeiss
Kate Zubin-Stathopoulus