Partial List of Alumni Publications
(Last updated in 2005)
Rayburn, J.A., Knuepfer, P.L.K., Franzi, D.A., 2005. A series of large late Wisconsinan meltwater floods through the Champlain and Hudson Valleys, New York. Quaternary Science Reviews 24, 2410-2419.
Clark, P.U., McCabe, A.M., Mix, A.C., and Weaver, A.J., 2004, Rapid rise of sea level 19,000 years ago and its global implications: Science, v. 304, p. 1141-1144.
Cottet-Puinel, M., Weaver, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., de Vernal, A., Clark, P.U., and Eby, M., 2004, Variation of Labrador Sea deep water formation over the last glacial cycle in a climate model of intermediate complexity: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 23, p. 449-465.
Licciardi, J.M., Clark, P.U., Brook, E.J., Elmore, D., and Sharma, P., 2004, Variable responses of western USA glaciers during the last deglaciation: Geology, v. 32, p. 81-84.
Rinterknecht, V.R., Clark, P.U., Raisbeck, G.M., Yiou, F., Brook, E.J., Tschudi, S., and Lunkka, J.P., 2004, Cosmogenic 10Be dating of the Salpausselka I Moraine in southwestern Finland: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 23, p. 2283-2289.
Roy, M., Clark, P.U., Raisbeck, G.M., and Yiou, F., 2004, Geochemical constraints on the origin of the middle Pleistocene transition from the glacial sedimentary record of the north-central U.S.: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 227, p. 281-296.
Roy, M., Clark, P.U., Barendregt, R.W., Glassman, J.R., Enkin, R.J., and Baker, J., 2004, Glacial stratigraphy and paleomagnetism of late Cenozoic deposits of the north-central U.S.: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 116, p. 30-41.
Waugh, D.A., R.M. Feldmann, K.B. Thomas, R.S. Crawford and S.L. Jakobsen. (2004). Epibiont preservational and observational bias in fossil marine decapods. Journal of Paleontology. 78(5): 961Ð972.
Baird, G. B., and MacDonald, W. D., in press. Deformation of the Diana Syenite and Carthage-Colton Mylonite Zone: Implications for timing of the Adirondack Lowlands deformation. in, Tollo, R.P., Corriveau, L., McLelland, J., and
Bartholomew, M. J., eds., Proterozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Grenville Orogen in North America: Geological Society of America Memoir no. 197.
Clark, P.U., Brook, E.J., Raisbeck, G.M., Yiou, F., and Clark, J., 2003, Cosmogenic 10Be ages of the Saglek Moraines, Torngat Mountains, Labrador: Geology, v. 31, p. 617-620.
Crown, D.A., McElfresh, S.B.Z. Pierce, T. L., and Mest, S.C., 2003. Geomorpholog of Debris Aprons in the Eastern Hallas Region of Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV, Abstract 1126, Lunar and Planetary Institute (CD-ROM).
Foos, A. M., N. A. Wells, J. E. Evans, J. T. Hannibal, and D. A. Waugh. 2003. Pennsylvanian Sharon Formation, Past and Present: Sedimentology, Hydrogeology, and Historical and Environmental Significance. Ohio Geological Survey, Guidebook No. 18.
Greeley, R., M.R. Balme, J. Iversen, S. Metzger, B. Mickelson, J. Phoreman, and B. White, Martian dust devils: Laboratory simulations of particle threshold, J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2003.
Houser, J. G., W. M. Farrell, and S. M. Metzger, ULF and ELF magnetic activity from a terrestrial dust devil, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(1), 1027, doi:10.1029/2001GL014144, 2003.
McCabe, A.M., and Clark, P.U., 2003, Deglacial chronology from County Donegal, Ireland: Implications for deglaciation of the British-Irish Ice Sheet: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 160, p. 847-855.
Rayburn, J.A., Knuepfer, P.L.K., and Franzi, D.A., 2003, Why A Higher Rerolution Champlain Sea Age Determination Is Needed For Meltwater Flood Discharge Routing Models; In: Program and abstracts, Canadian Quaternary Association - Canadian Geomorphology Research Group Meeting, 2003 p. A94.
Rayburn, J.A., Knuepfer, P.L.K., and Franzi, D.A., In Press, A Large Late Glacial Meltwater Flood Through The Hudson Valley, New York, USA; For: Abstracts of the XVI INQUA Congress, 2003.
Waugh, D.A. and R.M. Feldmann. 2003. Cuticle microstructure as a new tool in systematic paleontology. Contributions to Zoology, 72:191-193.
Weaver, A.J., Saenko, O.A., Clark, P.U., and Mitrovica, J.X., 2003, Meltwater pulse 1A from Antarctica as a trigger of the Bolling-Allerod warm period: Science, v. 299, p. 1709-1713.
Breemer, C.W., Clark, P.U., and Haggerty, R., 2002, Subglacial hydrology of the late-Pleistocene Lake Michigan Lobe, Laurentide Ice Sheet: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 114, p. 665-674.
Clark, P.U., Mitrovica, J.X., Milne, G.A., and Tamisiea, M., 2002, Sea-level fingerprinting as a direct test for the source of global meltwater pulse IA: Science, v. 295, p. 2438-2441.
Clark, P.U., and Mix, A.C., eds., 2002, Ice Sheets and Sea Level of the Last Glacial Maximum: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 21, nos. 1-3, 454 p.
Clark, P.U., Pisias, N.G., Stocker, T.F., and Weaver, A.J., 2002, The role of the thermohaline circulation in abrupt climate change: Nature, v. 415, p. 863-869.
Clark, P.U., 2002, Early deglaciation in the tropical Andes: Science, v.298 (www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/298/5591/7a).
Crown D.A., Pierce, T.L., McElfresh, S.B.Z., and Mest, S.C., 2002 Debris Aprons in the Eastern Hellas Region of Mars: Implications for styles and rates of highland degradation. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, Abstract 1642, Lunar and Planetary Institute (CD-ROM).
Dyke, A.S., Andrews, J.T., Clark, P.U., England, J.H., Miller, G.H., Shaw, J., and Veillette, J., 2002, The Laurentide and Innuitian Ice Sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum: Quaternary Science Reviews , v. 21, p. 9-32.
Erickson, J.M., and D.A. Waugh. 2002. Colony morphologies and missed opportunities during the Cincinnatian (Late Ordovician) bryozoan radiation: examples from Heterotrypa frondosa and Monticulipora mammulata, p. 101 - 108. In P. N. Wyse-Jackson, Bryozoan Studies 2001: Proceedings of the 12th International Bryozoology Association Conference, Swets and Zeitlinger Publ., Netherlands.
Fisher, T.G., and Rayburn, J.A. , 2002, Lake Agassiz's Northwest Outlet: No Longer A Question of Existance - Just A Question of Duration; In: Abstracts, International Association for Great Lakes Research Annual Meeting, 2002, p. 39.
Franzi, D.A., Rayburn, J.A., Yansa, C.H., and Knuepfer, P.L.K., 2002, Late Glacial Water Bodies in the Champlain and St. Lawrence Lowlands and Their Paleoclimactic Implications - Trip A5; In: NYSGA/NEIGC Annual Meeting Guidebook, 2002, p. A5 1-23.
Marshall, S.J., and Clark, P.U., 2002, Basal temperature evolution of North American ice sheets and implications for the 100-kyr cycle: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 29, doi: 10.1029/2002GL015192.
McElfresh, S.B.Z., Harbert,W., Ku, C-Y, and Lin, J-S, 2002. Stress modeling of tectonic blocks at Cape Kamchatka, Russia using principal stress proxies from high-resolution SAR: new evidence for the Komandorskiy Block. Tectonophysics, 354, p239-256 DOI: 10.1016/S0040-1951(02)00341-4
McElfresh, S.B.Z., McCloskey, W. R., Coppin, P., Martinelli, D., and Crown, D. A. 2002 Using EventScope with Mars mission data to create geoscience curricula. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, Abstract 1372, Lunar and Planetary Institute (CD-ROM).
Rayburn, J.A., Franzi, D.A., and Knuepfer, P.L.K., 2002, A Large Late Glacial Breakout Flood Through the Champlain and Hudson Lowlands, New York; In: Program with abstracts, Geological Society of America National Meeting, 2002, p. 475.
Rayburn, J.A., Yansa, C.H., Franzi, D.A., and Knuepfer, P.L.K, 2002, The Biology and Hydrology of the Northern Lake Champlain Basin Before the Holocene; A Glimpse Along the Shoreline Following Deglaciation; In: Program with abstracts, Geological Society of America Northeast Section Meeting, 2002, p. A-7.
Saal, A.E., Hauri, E.H., Langmuir, C.H., and Perfit, M.R., (2002). Vapour undersaturation in primitive mid-ocean-ridge basalt and the volatile content of Earth's upper mantle. Nature, v. 419, 451-455.
Waugh, D.A. and J.M. Erickson. 2002. Functional morphology of the anastomosing frondose growth form reported in Heterotrypa frondosa (d'Orbigny) (Bryozoa: Trepostomata) from the Cincinnatian (Late Ordovician) of Ohio, p. 331-338. In P. N. Wyse-Jackson, Bryozoan Studies 2001: Proceedings of the 12th International Bryozoology Association Conference, Swets and Zeitlinger Publ., Netherlands.
White, S.M., Haymon, R.H., Fornari, D.J., Perfit, M.R., and Macdonald, K.C., (2002). Volcanic Structures and Lava Morphology of the East Pacific Rise, 9-10N: Constraints on Volcanic Segmentation and Eruptive Processes at Fast-Spreading Ridges. J. Geophy. Res., v. 107,
Baird, G., and MacDonald, W. D., 2001. Multiple foliations in Diana Syenite, Carthage-Colton Mylonite Zone, Adirondacks: magnetofabric and petrofabric evidence and implications. Geol Soc Am, Abst. with Prog., 33(6).
Baird, G. B., and MacDonald, W. D., 2001. A method of producing acaJrately oriented thin-sections. based on AMS, applied to the multiple fabrics of the Diana Syenite, Northwest Adirondacks. Geol Soc Am, Abst. with Prog., 33(1): 31.
Bouchard T.D., Erickson J.M 2001. Boring Morphology of a Newly Described Domichnium in Ordovician, in situ, Branching Bryozoan Colonies. Geology Society of America 2001 Annual Meeting Abstracts.
Clark, P.U., Marshall, S.J., Clarke, G.K.C., Hostetler, S.W., Licciardi, J.M., and Teller, J.T., 2001, Freshwater forcing of abrupt climate change during the last glaciation: Science, v. 293, p. 283-287.
Hotton, C.L., Hueber, F.M., Griffing, D.H. and Bridge, J.S., 2001. Early terrestrial plant environments: An example from the Emsian of Gaspé, Canada. in Gensel, P.G., and Edwards, D.(eds.), Plants Invade the Land: Evolutionary & Environmental Perspectives (International Organization of Paleobotany Symposium Volume), Columbia University Press, p. 179-203.
Laymon, C., Crosson, W., Jackson, T., Manu, A., and Tsegaye, T., 2001, Ground-based passive microwave remote sensing observations of soil moisture at S-band and L-band with insight into measurement accuracy, IEEE Trans. on Geosci. and Remote Sens., 39(9), 1844-1858.
Licciardi, J.M., Clark, P.U., Brook, E.J., Pierce, K.L., Kurz, M.D., Elmore, D., and Sharma, P., 2001, Cosmogenic 3He and 10Be chronologies of the northern Yellowstone Ice Cap, Montana, USA: Geology, v. 29, p. 1095-1098
Muller, B. J. , Smith, A.I., Palmer, D. Ito, E., Forester, R.M. 2001. The Effect of Scale on Paleoclimate Reconstructions: The Modem Analogue Technique. American Geophysical Union 2001 Spring Meeting Abstracts, p. 96.
Rayburn, J.A., Franzi, D.A., and Knuepfer, P.L.K., 2001, GIS-Based Volume and Discharge Calculations for a Catastrophic Flood Event From Glacial Lake Vermont Into the Hudson River Valley; In: Program with abstracts, Geological Society of America Northeast Section Meeting, 2001, p. A-15.
Rubin, K.H., Smith, M.C., Bergmanis, E.C.,. Perfit, M. R., Sinton, J. M. and Batiza, R., (2001). Geochemical heterogeneity of individual mid-ocean ridge lava flows: Insights into eruption, emplacement and global variations in magma generation. Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 188, 349-367.
Smith, M.C., M. Perfit, D. Fornari, I. Ridley, M. Edwards, G. Kurras, and K. Von Damm, (2001). Magmatic processes and segmentation at a fast spreading mid-ocean ridge: detailed geochemistry and mapping of the East Pacific Rise at 9°37'N - small overlapping spreading center, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.,v2. #2000GC000134
Vega, F.J., T. Cosma, M.A. Couti–o, R.M. Feldmann, T.G. Nyborg, C.E. Schweitzer, and D.A. Waugh, 2001. New middle Eocene decapods (Crustacea) from Chiapas, MŽxico. Journal of Paleontology, 75:929-946.
Baird, G. B., and MacDonald, W. D., 2000. Fabric study of the Diana Syenite within the Carthage-Colton Mylonite Zone, Northwest Adirondacks. New York. Geol Soc Am, Abst. with Prog., 32(7): 99.
Clark, P.U., and Mix, A.C., 2000, Ice sheets by volume: Nature, v. 406, p. 689-690.
J. R. Cochran and D. N. Chayes, "Project Report: Purchase of equipment to support the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in participation in an exploration by sumarine of the basins of the polar seas," Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades NY, Unpublished March 2000
Embley, R.W., Chadwick, W.W., Perfit, M.R., Smith, M.C., and Delaney, J.R., (2000). Recent eruptions on the CoAxial Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Implications for mid-ocean ridge accretion processes. J. Geophys. Res., v. 105, 16,501-16,525.
Fleisher, P. J. and Muller, E. H., 2000. Neoglacial History of Weeping Peat Island and vicinity, Bering Glacier, Alaska:
New York State Geological Survey, Open File Report 10kZ138, p.1-16; prepared for U.S.G. S. Surf school, Bering Glacier, AK.
Fleisher, P. J., Lachniet, M. S. and Muller, E. H., 2000, A Case for Mobilized Drift, eastern sector, Bering Glacier, Alaska: New York State Geological Survey, Open File Report 10kZ139, p.1-13; prepared for U.S.G. S. Surfschool, Berring Glacier, AK.
Fleisher, P. J., Shaw, L., Mitteager, W., Cadwell, D. H., Gerhard, D., Rosenfeld, C., Bailey, P K., and Tormey, B.B., 2000, Field studies of subglacial outbursts and ice front vent migration, eastern sector, Bering Glacier, Alaska: New York State Geological Survey, Open File Report 10kZ137, p. 1-13.
Fryer, P, Fornari, D.J., and Perfit, M.R., (2000). Future Research Directions in Deep Submergence Science, Marine Technological Journal,.
Gregg, T.K.P., D.J. Fornari, M.R. Perfit and I.R. Ridley, (2000). Using submarine lava pillars to record mid-ocean ridge eruption dynamics, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 178, 195-214.
Griffing, D.H., Bridge, J.S., and Hotton, C.L., 2000. Coastal-fluvial paleoenvironments and plant paleoecology of the lower Battery Point Formation (Emsian), Gaspé, Canada. inFriend, P.F., and Williams, B.J.P. (eds.) New Perspectives on the Old Red Sandstone, Geological Society of London Special Publication, p. 61-84.
Griffing, D.H., 2000. Further detailing the Chazy seascape: Observations from evolving exposures of the Crown Point Formation (Middle Ordovician) of Isle La Motte, Vermont. Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v.32, no.7, p. 277-278.
Hostetler, S.W., Bartlein, P.J., Clark, P.U., Small, E.E., and Soloman, A.M., 2000, Mesoscale climate and surface-atmosphere feedbacks along the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet 11,000 years ago: Nature, v. 405, p. 334-337.
Hostetler, S.W., and Clark, P.U., 2000, Tropical climate at the last glacial maximum inferred from glacier mass-balance modeling: Science, v. 290, p. 1747-1750.
Kerans, Charles, 2000, Abo paleokarst heterogeneity styles, impacts on reservoir production characteristics (abs.), in Southwest Section AAPG, Geo-2000: into the future: West Texas Geological Society, unpaginated.
Kerans, Charles, Kempter, Kirt, and Rush, Jason, 2000, Predictive model for paleokarst heterogeneity styles at high-frequency/composite sequence boundaries (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program, p. A77.
Metzger, S.M., Johnson, J.R., Carr, J.R., Parker, T.J., and Lemmon, M., 2000, Techniques for identifying dust devils in Mars Pathfinder images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v. 38, no. 2, p. 870-876.
Kurras G.J., Fornari, D.J., Edwards, M.H., Perfit, M.R. and Smith, M.C., (2000). Volcanic Morphology of the East Pacific Rise Crest 9° 49'-52' N: 1. Implications for Volcanic Emplacement Processes at Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges, Marine Geophys. Res., 21, 23-41.
Quattrochi, D., Luvall, J., Rickman, D., Estes, M., Laymon, C., Howell, B., 2000, A decision support system for urban landscape management using thermal infrared data, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 66(10), 1195-1207.
Perfit, M.R. and Davidson, J.P. (2000). Plate Tectonics and Volcanism. in Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, H. Sigurdsson ed.. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. 89-113.
Piatek, J.L., McElfresh, S.B.Z., Byrnes, J.M., Snyder Hale, A., and Crown, D.A., 2000. Color and morphology of lava flows on Io. Icarus 148 no. 2, p.
R. Sambrotto and D. Chayes, "The use of nuclear powered submarines for oceanographic research in ice covered regions," presented at N'ocean 2000; International Workshop on Utilization of Nuclear Power in Oceans, Tokyo, 2000.
White T.M., and Keller C.K. 2000. "Two methods for measuring surface CO2 flux from an experimental forest ecosystem." Geological Society of America Summit 2000, Reno, NV
Zimmerman, S.B. and Johnson, C.L. 2000. Gravity signatures of coronae on Venus: Implications for models for corona formation and evolution. EOS (Trans.
Amer. Geophys Union) suppl. 81, p. S300.
Zimmerman, S.B., Koo, C-Y, Lin, J-S, and Harbert, W. 2000. Plate geometry in the northwestern Pacific Basin: Evidence from Cape Kamchatka and Numerical
Manifold analysis. EOS (Trans. Amer. Geophys Union). suppl. 81,.p. S411.
Zimmerman, S.B. and Harbert W., 2000, Application of a GIS technique to mapped lineaments from SAR data, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI, Abstract 1452, Lunar and Planetary Institute (CD-ROM).
Alley, R.B., and Clark, P.U., 1999, The deglaciation of the northern hemisphere: A global perspective: Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 27, p. 149-182.
D. N. Chayes, R. M. Anderson, J. L. Ardai, B. J. Coakley, R. B. Davis, M. H. Edwards, and M. R. Rognstad, "SCAMP Performance," presented at 1999 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1999.
Clark, P.U., Alley, R.B., and Pollard, D., 1999, Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet influences on global climate change: Science, v. 286, p. 1104-1111.
B. J. Coakley, M. H. Edwards, D. N. Chayes, S. Okkonen, M. R. Rognstad, D. Stockwell, and T. E. Whitledge, "Arctic Basin Insights 2: New Data for the Eurasian Basin and Lomonosov Ridge from SCICEX-99,", San Francisco, CA, 1999.
R. B. Davis, M. H. Edwards, M. Rognstad, D. Chayes, and G. Kurras, "Processing SCAMP Swath Bathymetry and Sidescan Sonar Data," presented at 1999 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1999.
M. H. Edwards, B. J. Coakley, D. N. Chayes, S. Okkonen, M. R. Rognstad, D. Stockwell, and T. E. Whitledge, "Arctic Basin Insights 1: New Data for the Amerasian Basin from SCICEX-99," presented at 1999 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1999.
Famiglietti, J. S., Devereaux, J. A., Laymon, C.A., Tsegaye, T., Houser, P. R., Jackson, T. J., Graham, S. T., Rodell, M., and vanOevelen, P.J., 1999, Ground-based investigation of soil moisture variability within remote sensing footprints during SGP97, Water Resources Research, 38(6), 1839-1851.
Fleisher, P. J., Muller, E. H., Peteet, D. M., and Lachniet, M. S., 1999, Arctic Enigma: Was Alaska's Late Pleistocene Bering Glacier really out of step with its neighbors?; Geotimes, 44: 16-21.
Fleisher, P. J. and Muller, E. H., 1999, Inferred interruption of tunnel flow by linked-cavity discharge during 1993-95 surge of Bering Glacier, AK: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, n. 7, p. 257.
S. A. Goemmer, R. M. Anderson, D. Chayes, and J. Ardai, "SCAMP Submarine Installation Basics," presented at AGU,
Fall 1999, San Francisco, 1999.
Jonasson, I. R. and Perfit, M.R., (1999). Unusual forms fo amorphous silica from submarine warm springs, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Northeastern Pacific Ocean. Canadian Min., 37, 27-36.
Judge, J., England, A.W., Crosson, W., Laymon, C., O'Neill, P.E., Kim, E.J., Hornbuckle, B.K., Bopie, D.L., and Kray, C.O., 1999, A growing season land surface processes/radiobrightness model for wheat-stubble in the Southern Great Plains, IEEE Trans. on Geosci. and Remote Sens., 37(5), 2152-2158.
Kerans, Charles, 1999, Stratigraphic correlation surfaces and 3-D reservoir model construction: constraints from Walther’s law models and outcrop analog data, in Transactions, Gulf Coast Section SEPM 19th Annual Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, December 5–8, Houston, p. 205–211.
Kerans, Charles, and Tinker, S. W., 1999, Extrinsic stratigraphic controls on development of the Capitan Reef Complex, in Geologic framework of the Capitan Reef: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Special Publication No. 65, p. 15–36.
Laymon, C.A., Belisle, W., Coleman, T., Crosson, W., Fahsi, A., Jackson, T., Manu, A., O'Neill, P., Senwo, Z., and Tsegaye, T., 1999, Huntsville '96: An experiment in ground-based microwave remote sensing of soil moisture, International Jour. Remote Sens., 20(4), 823-828.
Lundstrom, C.C., Sampson, D.E., Perfit, M.R., Gill, J., and Williams, Q., (1999). Insights into MORB Petrogenesis: U-series Disequilibria from the Siqueiros Transform and Lamont Seamounts. J. Geophysical Res., 104, 13,035-13,048.
Mann, J.D., Leverington, D.W., Rayburn, J., and Teller, J.T., 1999, The volume and paleobathymetery of glacial Lake Agassiz; Journal of Paleolimnology, V. 22 p. 71-80.
Metzger, S.M., Johnson, J.R., Carr, J.R., Parker, T.J., and Lemmon, M., 1999, Dust devil vortices seen by the Mars Pathfinder camera: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 26, no. 18, p. 2781-2784.
Metzger, S.M., 1999, Dust Devils as Aeolian Transport Mechanisms in Southern Nevada and the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site, University of Nevada, Reno Ph.D. Dissertation, Reno, Nevada, 230 p.
Perfit, M.R., (1999). Molten Rocks in Motion, Nature, 402, 245-247.
Perfit, M.R., (1999). Earth's Oceanic Crust. in Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, C.P. Marshall and R.W. Fairbridge, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 179-182.
Piatek, J.L., Zimmerman, S.B., Byrnes, J.M., Snyder Hale, A., and Crown, D.A., 1999, Color and morphology of lava flows on Io, in Lunar and Planetary Science XXX, Abstract 1468, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).
Rayburn, J.A., and Teller, J.T., 1999, Northwestern drainage of glacial Lake Agassiz: new information and a revised interpretation; In: Program and abstracts, Canadian Quaternary Association - Canadian Geomorphology Research Group Meeting, 1999. p. 60.
White, T.M, Keller C.K., and R. O'Brien 1999. "CO2 Fluxes and Carbon Turnover in an Experimental Forest Ecosystem." Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA December, 1999
Zimmerman, S.B., Harbert W, Anderson, R.C. 1999. Changes in paleo-stress orientations as indicators of rotation at Cape Kamchatka, Russia, as resolved through GIS lineament analysis. EOS (Trans. Amer. Geophys Union) suppl 80 no. 46, p. F927.
Zimmerman, S.B., Harbert, W., Anderson, R., Gaedicke, C., Baranov, B.V., Tsukanov, N.V., Alexeiev, D.V., Freitag, R. 1999. Geographical Information System Based Analysis of the Cape Kamchatka Region, Russia: Implications for Northwest Pacific Basin Tectonics. EOS (Trans. Amer. Geophys Union) suppl. 80, no 17, p. S78
Baird, G., and Willemin.J. H, 1998. Off-center rivers and tectonic tilting on the Oregon coast: testing an improved measurement method for drainage basin asymmetry. Geol Soc Am, Abst with Prog., 30(7):142.
Bridge, J.S., Griffing, D.H., and Hotton, C.L., 1998. Early Devonian coastal-fluvial London — British Sedimentological Research Group Meeting, New Perspectives on the Old Red Sandstone, December 7-8, Abstracts published by University of Cambridge.
D. Chayes, G. Myers, and A. Maffei, "Seanet: Ship/Shore Communications: Extending the Internet to the Oceanoraphic Research Fleet," Sea Technology, vol. 39, pp. 17-21, 1998.
D. Chayes, G. Kurras, M. Edwards, R. Anderson, and B. Coakley, "Swath Mapping the Arctic Ocean from US Navy Submarines; Installation and Performance Analysis of SCAMP Operation During SCICEX 1998," presented at 1998 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1998.
D. Chayes, B. Coakley, R. Anderson, and M. Edwards, "Enhanced Geophysical Instrumenation for SCICEX: the Seafloor Characterization and Mapping Pods (SCAMP)," presented at The Arctic Forum, Washington DC, 1998.
Fleisher, P. J., Cadwell, D. H., and Muller, E. H., 1998, The Tsivat Basin Conduit System persists through two surges, Bering Piedmont Glacier, Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 110, no. 7, p. 877-887.
Fornari, D.J., R.M. Haymon, M. R. Perfit, T.K.P. Gregg and M.H. Edwards, (1998). Axial summit trough of the East Pacific Rise 9°-10°N: Geological characteristics and evolution of the axial zone on fast spreading mid-ocean ridges J. Geophys. Res., 103, 9827-9855.
Fornari, D.J., Shank, T., Von Damm, K. L., Gregg, T. K. P., Levai, G., Haymon, R. M., Lilley, M., Bray, A., Baron, S., Perfit, M. R., and R. Lutz, (1998). Time-series Temperature Measurements at High-temperature Hydrothermal Vents, East Pacific Rise Crest 9° 49'-51'N: Evidence for monitoring a crustal cracking event. Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 160, 419-431.
Griffing, D.H., Bridge, J.S., and Hotton, C.L., 1998. Coastal paleonenvironmental interpretations enhanced by acritarch and trace fossil distributions: Cap-aux-Os Member (Emsian), Battery Point Formation, Gaspé, Quebec, Canada.. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, no. 7.
Griffing, D.H., Bridge, J.S., and Hotton, C.L., 1998. Sedimentology of plant habitats in the Cap-aux-Os Member of the Battery Point Formation (Emsian), Gaspé, Quebec, Canada. Geological Society of America — Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, no. 1.
McCabe, A.M., and Clark, P.U., 1998, Ice-sheet variability around the North Atlantic Ocean during the last deglaciation: Nature, v. 392, p. 373-377.
G. Myers, D. Chayes, D. Goldberg, and A. Maffei, "Seanet: Ship/Shore Communications: High-speed Ship-to-Shore Transmission of Wireline Loging Data," Sea Technology, vol. 39, pp. 80-82, 1998.
Perfit, M.R., and Chadwick, W.W. Jr., (1998). Magmatism at mid-ocean ridges: Constraints from volcanological and geochemical investigations. in Faulting and Magmatism at Mid-Ocean Ridges, ed. W.R. Buck, P. Delaney, and J.A. Karson. Geophys Monograph 92., Amer. Geophys Union, Washington D.C. in press.
Perfit, M.R., Ridley, W.I. and Jonasson, I., (1998). Geologic, petrologic and geochemical relationships between magmatism and massive sulfide mineralization along the eastern Galapagos Spreading Center, Rev. Economic Geology. Vol 8, Chapter 4, 75-99.
Rubin, K.H., *Smith, M.C., Perfit, M.R., Christie, D.M., and Sacks, L.F., (1998). Geochronology and Geochemistry of Lavas from the 1996 Gorda Ridge Eruption. Deep Sea Res.II,.45, 2571-2597
D.J. Wald, V. Quitoriano, T.H. Heaton, H. Kanamori, and C. W. Scrivner, TRINET ``SHAKEMAPS'': Rapid Generation Of Peak Ground Motion And Intensity Maps For Earthquakes In Southern California, SMIP98 Proceedings, Oakland, 1998.
D. N. Chayes, B. J. Coakley, R. M. Anderson, G. DiBella, M. R. Rognstad, Roger B. Davis, Margo Edwards, James George Kosalos, and S. J. Szender, "SCAMP: A submarine-mounted geophysical survey system for use under the Arctic ice," presented at Oceans' 97, Halifax, NS, 1997.
Fornari, D.J., Humphris, S.E., and Perfit, M.R., (1997). Deep submergence science takes a new approach. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 78, 402-408.
Fornari, D.J., Gregg, T.K.P., and Perfit, M.R., 1997. Axial summit caldera and axial summit graben: A reply. RIDGE Events, 8, 12-19.
Fornari, D.J. and Perfit, M.R., (1997), Sampling and imaging requirements for deep submergence science. MTS Journal, 31, 77-79.
Gregg, T.K.P., Fornari, D.J., Perfit, M.R., Haymon, R.M., and Fink, J.H., (1997). Rapid emplacement of a mid-ocean ridge lava flow on the East Pacific Rise at 9° 46'-51'N, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 144, E1-E7.
Herzig, P., Linke, P., Suess and others (including Perfit), (1997), Die Hydrothermalsysteme des Axial Seamount, Geowissenschaften, 15, 185-193.
Kent, E.K., Bursnall, J.T., and Shrady, C. S. 1997. Deformation of Megacrystic Grenvillian Gneisses in the Adirondack Lowlands, Dekalb, New York. Geologic Society of America Bulletin, Abstracts with Programs.
Kerans, Charles, and Tinker, S. W., 1997, Sequence stratigraphy and characterization of carbonate reservoirs: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Short Course Notes No. 40, p.165.
Mann, J.D., Leverington, D., Rayburn, J.A., Grant, N., and Teller,J.T., 1997, Calculating the volume and heat budget of glacial Lake Agassiz; In: Program with abstracts, Geological Society of America National Meeting, 1997, p. 111.
Mann, J.D., Rayburn, J.A., and Teller, J.T., 1997, Broken Pipe Lake, Manitoba: A remnant of an Emerson Phase Lake Agassiz lagoon; In: Program with abstracts, Geological Society of America North-Central Section Meeting, 1997. p. 57.
Pockalny, R.A., Fox, P.J., Fornari, D.J., MacDonald, K.C. and Perfit, M.R., 1997. Tectonic reconstruction of the Clipperton and Siqueiros Fracture Zones: Evidence and consequences of changes in plate motion for the last 3 Myr. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 3167-3181.
T. E. Pyle, M. Ledbetter, B. Coakley, and D. Chayes, "Arctic Ocean Science," Sea Technology, vol. 38 No. 10, pp. 10-15, 1997.
Rayburn, J.A., 1997, Correlation of the Campbell strandlines along the northwestern margin of glacial Lake Agassiz; MSc. thesis, University of Manitoba , 189 p.
Rayburn, J.A., Mann, J.D., and Teller, J.T., 1997, Using Lake Agassiz beaches to re- evaluate isobases along the western Laurentide ice sheet; In: Program with abstracts, Geological Society of America North-Central Section Meeting, 1997, p.67.
Sorensen, S.S., Grossman, J.N. and Perfit, M.R., 1997. Phengite-hosted LILE enrichment in eclogite and related rocks: implications for fluid-mediated mass transfer in subduction zones and arc magma genesis. J. Petrology,.
D.J. Wald, T.H. Heaton, and K. W. Hudnut, Estimation of Uniformly Spaced, Near-Source, Broadband Ground Motions for the 1994 Northridge Earthquake From Forward and Inverse Modeling, CUREe Proceedings, Los Angeles, 1997.
D. Wald, T. Heaton, H. Kanamori, P. Maechling, and V. Quitoriano, Research and Development of TriNet "Shake" Maps, Fall AGU, 1997 EOS, Vol XX, Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting , San Francisco, CA.
D. J. Wald, V. Quitorino, and R. W. Graves Testing The Los Angeles Basin Response Of Current 3-D Velocity Models Against Simulated And Recorded Ground Motions , Seismological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Honolulu, 1997 Seism. Res. Letters
Allmon, W.D., and Griffing, D.H., 1996, "Round Rocks": Teaching the Principles of Earth Science and Paleontology, in Scotchmoor, J. and McKinney, F.K. (eds.) Learning from the Fossil Record, Paleontological Society Special Papers v. 2, p.137-146.
D. W. Caress and D. N. Chayes, "Improved Processing of Hydrosweep Multibeam Data on the R/V Maurice Ewing," Marine Geophysical Researches, vol. 18, pp. 631-650, 1996.
D. N. Chayes, B. J. Coakley, M. G. Langseth, R. M. Anderson, G. DiBella, M. R. Rognstad, R. B. Davis, M. Edwards, J. G. Kosalos, and S. J. Szender, "SCAMP: An Enhanced Geophysical Mapping System for Arctic Submarine Cruises," presented at 1996 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
Griffing, D.H., and Allmon, W.D., 1996, Fossils in the Field: Real and "Virtual" Experiences, in Scotchmoor, J. and McKinney, F.K. (eds.), Learning from the Fossil Record, Paleontological Society Special Papers v. 2, p. 53-57.
Mejia, V., Opdyke, N.D., and Perfit, M.R., 1996. Paleomagnetic field intensity study recorded in submarine basaltic glass from the East Pacific Rise, the last 69 Ka. Geophysical Research Lett., 23, no. 5., 475-478.
McInnes, B., M. Perfit, I. Jonasson and A. Heatherington (1996). Petrology, Geochemistry, and Volcanology of Rock Samples Collected During Project EDISON (SO-94):Tabar-Lihir-Tanga-Feni Islands; PNG. Report to the German Government.
Perfit M. R., Fornari, D.J., Ridley, W.I., Kirk, P.A., D.J. Casey, J., Kastens, K.A., Edwards, M., Shuster, R., and Paradis, S., 1996. Recent volcanism in the western Siqueiros Transform Fault: Picritic basalts and implications for MORB magma genesis. Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 141, 91-108.
Perfit, M. R. and Fornari, D., 1996. We Must Reach Out to the Public. EOS , Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 77, 183
Rayburn, J.A., Mann, J.D., and Teller, J.T., 1996, Correlating the Campbell beach along the western margin of Lake Agassiz: Was there a link at 10 KA with the Clearwater spillway?; In: Program with abstracts, Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Meeting - 1996, p. A 78.
Rubin, K.H., Macdougall, J.D. and Perfit, M.R., 210Po-210Pb dating of recent volcanic eruptions on the sea floor. Nature, 368, 841-844.
Taylor, W. L., and Griffing, D.H., 1996. First occurrence of Plumalina incertae sedis in the Silurian. Geological Society of America — Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, no. 7, p. 429.
D. J. Wald, Slip History of the 1995 Kobe, Japan, Earthquake Determined from Strong Motion, Teleseismic, and Geodetic Data, Journal of Physics of the Earth , 44, 489-503, 1996.
D.J. Wald, T.H. Heaton, and K. W. Hudnut The Slip History of the 1994 Northridge, California, Earthquake Determined from Strong Ground Motion, Teleseismic, GPS, and Leveling Data , Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. , 86, S49-S70, 1996.
D. Wald, V. Quitorino, and R. Graves Finite-Fault, 3D Finite-Difference Modeling of the Landers Earthquake: Studying the Importance of Rupture Heterogeneity and the Response of the Los Angeles Basin for Simulated and Recorded Ground Motions, Fall AGU, 1996 EOS, Vol 77, Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting , San Francisco, CA.
D. W. Caress and D. N. Chayes, "New Software for Processing Sidescan Data from Sidescan-Capable Multibeam Sonars," presented at IEEE Oceans '95, San Diego, CA., 1995.
Fleisher, P. J., Muller, E. H., Cadwell, D. H., Rosenfeld, C. L., Bailey, P. K., Pelton, J. M. and Puglisi, M. A, 1995, The Surging Advance of Bering Glacier, Alaska; A Progress Report: Journal of Glaciology, v. 41, no. 137, p. 207-213.
Griffing, D.H., Allmon, W.D., and Griffing, R., 1995. EARTHWEB; bringing museum collections, research and hands-on methods to K-12 classrooms. Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, no. 6, p. 413-414.
T. H. Heaton, J. F. Hall, D. J. Wald, and M. W. Halling, The response of high-rise and base-isolated buildings to a hypothetical Mw=7.0 blind thrust earthquake , Science , Vol. 267, 206-211, 1995.
Hotton, C.L., Hueber, F.M., Griffing, D.H. and Bridge, J.S., 1995. Paleoenvironmental setting of Early Devonian land plants, lower Battery Point Formation, Gaspé, Quebec, Canada. Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, no. 6, p. 165.
Lundstrom, C. C., Gill, J., Williams, Q. and Perfit, M. R., 1995. Mantle Melting and Basalt Extraction by Equilibrium Porous Flow. Science, 270, 1958-1961.
A. R. Maffei, E. S. Kappel, R. Heinmiller, and D. Chayes, "SeaNet Collaboratory: Building an Internet for Remote Research," presented at 1995 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
Muller, E. H., and Fleisher, P. J, 1995, Surge history and potential for renewed retreat, Bering Glacier, Alaska: accepted for Arctic and Alpine Res., v. 27, no. 1, p. 81-88.
D. J. Wald, A Preliminary Dislocation Model for the 1995 Kobe (Hyogo-ken Nanbu), Japan, Earthquake Determined from Strong Motion and Teleseismic Waveforms , Seismological Research Letters , July, 1995.
D. J. Wald and P. G. Somerville, Variable-slip rupture model of the great 1923 Kanto, Japan earthquake: geodetic and body-waveform analysis , Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. , 85, 159-177, 1995.
D. N. Chayes and P. Lemmond, "First Results from a new generation of Multibeam Sonars," presented at 1994 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1994.
N Barstow, K Jacob, M Alawi, D Johnson, C A T Susch, D Chayes, and P. O'Keefe, "Lamont's LDEO/NCEER Strong-Motion Database: What's in It and How to Use It.," presented at 1994 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 1994.
Metzger, S.M., 1994, The Eskers of New York State, SUNY Buffalo Masters Thesis, Buffalo, NY, 240 p
G. M. Purdy, B.B. Walden, P. Lemmond, D. Chayes, and K. Talukdar, "Tests of the SeaBeam 2100/12 Multibeam System," Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, Cruise report 1994
Ver Straeten, C. A., Griffing, D. H., and Brett, C. E., 1994, The lower part of the Middle Devonian Marcellus "Shale", Central to Western New York State. New York State Geological Association Guidebook, 66th Annual Meeting, University of Rochester, p. 271-321.
D.J. Wald and T. H. Heaton, Spatial and temporal distribution of slip for the 1992 Landers, California earthquake , Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. , 84 , 668-691, 1994.
D. Wald and T. Heaton A Dislocation Model of the 1994 Northridge, Earthquake Determined From Strong-Ground Motions , Fall AGU, 1994. Annual Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting , San Francisco, CA.
D.J. Wald and T.H. Heaton, A dislocation model of the 1994 Northridge earthquake determined from strong ground motion , U.S. Geological Survey Open File Rept. No. 94-278, 1994.
D. N. Chayes and D. W. Caress, "Processing and Display of Multibeam Echosounder Data on the R/V Maurice Ewing," presented at Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1993.
Fleisher, P. J., 1993, Pleistocene sediment sources debris transport mechanisms and depositional environments; a Bering Glacier model applied to northeastern Appalachian Plateau, centralNew York: Geomorphology, v. 6, p. 331-355.
Wald, D. J., H. Kanamori and D. V. Helmberger, and T. H. Heaton, Source Study of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake , Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. , 83, 981-1019, 1993.
Griffing, D.H., 1992. Microstratigraphic analysis and paleoenvironmental gradients of condensed limestones of the Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian) in New York State. Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 24, no. 7, p. 358.
Wald, D. J., Strong Motion and Broadband Teleseismic Analysis of the 1991 Sierra Madre, California, Earthquake , J. Geophysical Research, 97, 11,033-11,046, 1992.
Chayes, D.N."Hydrosweep-DS on the R/V Ewing," presented at IEEE OCEANS 1991, Honolulu, 1991.
Griffing, D. H., and Ver Straeten, C. A., 1991, Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the lower part of the Marcellus Formation (Middle Devonian) in eastern New York State (N.Y. State Museum Science Service Contribution 700): New York State Geological Association Guidebook, 63rd Annual Meeting, SUNY College at Oneonta, p. 205-249.
Griffing, D.H., 1991. Stratigraphic and taphonomic implications for deposition of the Cherry Valley Limestone (Middle Devonian) of central and eastern New York. Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, v. 23, no. 1, p. 38-39.
Wald, D. J., T. H. Heaton and D. V. Helmberger (1991). Rupture model of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake from the inversion of strong motion and broadband teleseismic data , Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.,, 81 1540-1572.
* Publications gathered from individual's webpage, resume's submitted for SLUGAC4, SLUGAC5, or those emailed to Sarah. This is not even close to a comprehensive list of alumni publications.